Protect Your Business: Why Office 365 Backup Is Essential

In today's digital age, businesses rely heavily on cloud-based solutions like Office 365 for their daily operations. With emails, files, and crucial data stored in platforms such as Office 365, SharePoint, and OneDrive, ensuring the security and integrity of this information is paramount. However, many businesses overlook a critical aspect of data management: backups.

At BlueberryIT, we understand the importance of safeguarding your business data, which is why we're excited to announce a special promotion on our Office 365 backup software. If you currently don't have backups in place for your Office 365 environment, now is the time to take action.

Why Backups Matter

You might be wondering, "Doesn't Microsoft handle backups?" While Microsoft's Office 365 boasts a sophisticated geo-redundancy system, there's a significant distinction between redundancy and backup. While redundancy ensures multiple copies of your data are synchronized in real-time, backup provides a historical record of your data stored separately from the original.

Microsoft does not offer a fully-featured backup service within Office 365. While there are limited options to recover documents and emails in the event of accidental deletion or cyberattacks, relying solely on these measures can be risky. Cyberattacks, such as ransomware infections, are increasingly common and can have devastating consequences for businesses.

Our Solution: Office 365 Backup

To address this gap in data protection, BlueberryIT offers a flagship Office 365 backup product. With our promotion, the installation and configuration of this essential tool, typically priced at $500, are now available for just $250.

We believe in practicing what we preach, which is why we backup our own data using these products. We understand the importance of safeguarding your business's most valuable asset—information.

Pricing Details

You might be wondering about the cost associated with our backup software. The monthly fee covers licenses for the software and storage for your backed-up data:

$8 per licensed mailbox per month - which includes your mailbox (email, calendar, contacts), any Shared Mailboxes, OneDrive, Teams and SharePoint.

Take Action Today

Don't leave your business data vulnerable to risks, get in touch today! Take advantage of our promotion and ensure the protection of your vital information. Our team at BlueberryIT is here to guide you through the process and help you make the right decision for your business.

Get in touch below to Back Up your business.